Michele Adams APRN, FNP-BC, MS understands the frustration of going to endless doctors, and taking test after test, only to be told there was no answer for what she was enduring. So, she took matters into her own hands and began the process of learning what functional medicine was, and how it could help her. With years of nutritional experience, Michele put together a plan that healed her symptoms. Now, she wants to help you too!
Michele works as a Family Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Functional Medicine, an integral part of your healthcare team. She does not replace your primary care provider.
Virtual appointments are flexible and convenient for any schedule. Clients can choose from phone or telehealth appointments through our Kareo® software. Michele looks forward to speaking with you!
Functional medicine is a science-based protocol that treats the individual as a whole, looking for the root cause of the problem. Many problems can be linked to issues in the gut. These are not limited to GI symptoms, but also include hormone imbalances, mood disorders, headaches, skin conditions, autoimmune diseases, and more.
Working with Michele, you will learn to dig deep and identify the root cause of your symptoms. Michele will create a unique plan that addresses your issues first through nutrition, lifestyle, and environmental changes.
Throughout the process, she may tweak the plan to continue the progress her clients are making. After all, it is a journey. She advises that changes don't happen overnight, but every week can be better than the previous one. If you do the work and have patience with yourself, you can and will heal.
With Michele's extensive background in nutrition, the integrative approach of functional medicine is perfect for her. Looking at the person's diet, lifestyle, and environment provides valuable clues to the source of their illness. Combining this information with laboratory testing gives her a more complete picture of what's going on. After studying everything she has compiled, Michele is able to make a diagnosis and create a care plan to address the issues.
Michele specializes in women's health and sees a lot of women who suffer from GI disorders, optimizing gut health, perimenopausal and menopausal issues.
Infertility is another condition she sees a lot of. For those patients with unexplained infertility or PCOS and who are seeing a reproductive endocrinologist, she helps them prepare to conceive by optimizing their health and increasing their chances of a viable pregnancy.
Caring for women of all ages, Michele finds it very rewarding to see these women invest in themselves and achieve their health goals. Watching women wean off medications or many times come fully off them after taking them for years is even better.
Michele's problems began after the birth of her third child. She experienced autoimmune symptoms that no one could diagnose. For several years, she bounced around between different doctors and specialists, and kept getting worse, with every symptom under the sun.
After a hysterectomy, and with her gallbladder at zero function, Michele decided to take things into her own hands. She saved her gallbladder from being removed, healed her gut, and transformed her health - all with diet and lifestyle.
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